Thursday, January 05, 2006

i'll try to stay on task

  • The house next door is finally on the market, after being vacant for about six months. If you want to live in NC and can afford a house that costs $52,500 and you have a small family and you want to be my neighbor, please contact me for more info. I wish we could buy it and then rent it out to a lovely family with a wife that knits, a husband that gardens and is a Giants fan, and a small child who likes to rough-house.
  • Gerald is at home. Doctor's orders. He has pneumonia. I made him go to the doctor and they gave him a shot in the ass. Thankfully, he's doing much better today. If you don't know Gerald, he is the type of person who NEVER misses a day of work. He also doesn't really like me asking how he is and if he needs anything. But after he realized that he had more than the flu, he was grateful that I ordered him to the doctor.
  • I'm reading this. So far it's delightful. I'll have to see the movie.
  • I am now the proud owner of Veronica Mars: Season One on DVD. I couldn't be happier. It was a gift from my very talented friend and famous graphic novel author. Thanks.
  • Auntie Linda has her felted hat and it fits and she loves it. I'm still working on the cloche. I'll try to remember to take pictures before I felt it. My pink slippers are done (i can't get any friggin pictures to work) and I was fortunate enough to happen upon a yarn sale at the craft store yesterday, so I have some fun scarves in progress.
  • I thought I had lots more to say but I'm so pissed that I can post my pictures that I'm done for now. Maybe later I'll try to edit this post and add a picture of my lovely slippers. Or maybe I'll just go punch myself in the face. Good day.

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